The deadline for submitting poster abstracts & oral abstracts is now closed.

Call for Papers

To download the full Call for Papers document, please click here: Call for Papers

Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be preferably submitted on-line (using link below) or e-mailed to by 19th July 2024. If sending via email, please indicate if an oral or poster presentation is preferred and submit using the following format:

Title – Arial 14 pt, bold, centered, 1.5 line space

Author details – Authors (please underline the presenting author), Organisation, Country, Email address

Main text – Arial 12 pt, fully justified, 1.5 line space


Themes selected for mini-APACT in 2024 are: 

  • Advances in process analysis technologies
  • New methodologies in data analysis and modelling
  • Advances in process engineering modelling and control
  • Digitilization in process manufacturing

Papers may be submitted for oral or poster presentation on any topic relevant to process analysis and control, in-process measurements, data analysis and process modeling. 

In addition to pharmaceutical applications of PAT, we invite submission of abstracts on advances in the deployment of process measurements, data analysis and modelling, and process control across the process industries including Chemicals, Oil/Gas/Petrochemicals, Food, Engergy, Advanced Materials and Biotechnology.


Student scholarships are available to help PhD students attend the conference. Scholarships will cover the conference registration fee. Presentation of a talk or a poster is a pre-requisite of gaining scholarchip. To apply please email


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